VVarMachine is 10 YEARS OLD! I (Razzun) purchased the VVarMachine domain on February 22, 2013, within 24 hours of the new PlanetSide 2 organization name being announced by leadership. This was when DeadlyDose and Crash Test Dummies merged to become one organization. We immediately did things differently, with more than one leader and a strong officer core to help guide the organization. Our officers are here to help and guide, not dictate. Our members guide what we do.
We have seen some good and some not-so-good times during this period, but VVarMachine has always come out on top and persevered. We have expanded into new games (Arma, Star Citizen, and even League of Legends for a while). We have outfits/guilds/organizations in a number of PC games. We give our members an opportunity to raise concerns and we always do our best to address them and make this a great and welcoming group of gamers. We are so happy to be celebrating 10 years! And with all your support and our continued love of gaming, we plan on being here another 10 years!
With us being 10 years old, I figured we should have a new site to reflect our growing maturity. Please enjoy the new site! And please send me any suggestions you would like to see! While we spend most of our time on Discord, the first impression people may see is our website or various Organization pages. It is important to keep these engaging, meaningful, and relevant.
~ Razzun
From Ech0Whiskey
Just a few days ago in January, our Star Citizen division celebrated its 9th anniversary. This also means that the VVarMachine Gaming Community as a whole is turning 10 years old this month! This is an impressive achievement, and it’s something I wouldn’t have expected when we initially formed back in 2013 as a Planetside2 outfit. So much has changed in my life since then, and I know the world is a much different place for all of us. I’m proud that VVAR has stood the test of time for so long – being a steady and consistent outlet for our members to gather together, converse, share common interests, and engage in organized gameplay. I’m grateful for the efforts that each and every one of you has put in towards making this community better over the years, whether you’ve been here since our founding, or joined much more recently. I’m especially grateful for those of you who have volunteered your time to serve as officers in VVAR, regardless if you’re still holding such a position. You’ve all played an important part in making this community what it is today, and you should all be as proud as I am for it.
So keep doing what you do. If you’re one of our valued members, thank you for sticking with us! All of the effort put forth by our leadership since day one has been so that you can experience something truly unique in the gaming world. With continued dedication and commitment to our goals, I sincerely believe that we’ll continue to thrive as a community for years to come.
From Farquharson
I’ve struggled and rewritten this several times. Ten years. How am I supposed to sum up ten years of activities? Maybe something simple congratulating staff and the old guard for how far we’ve come? Maybe get all sappy about how being one of the original punk kids recruited in PS2 started me down the path to who and where I am….probably not. Too sappy to really release to the public. I think I’ll settle for this:
Thank YOU, VVarMachine members. Without all of you – good or bad, long or short-lived, and those we’ve lost along the way – we wouldn’t have made it this far. Us folks with the red names, while we’re not fond of ivory towers, would have no reason to be here without YOU. Whatever division, no matter how long you’ve been here, or how often you can be around – you play an important part in fueling our divine purpose: to make VVarMachine the best version of itself it can be to provide no-nonsense tactical gameplay and a community worth staying for far into the future.
From Cannon
If you had told me 10 years ago that I’d be asked to craft an anniversary message for VVarMachine’s 10th Anniversary, I wouldn’t have been able to imagine why. Back then, I was just Rabbi’s gunner. Nowadays, I can tell you why:
I’m writing because, despite the number of organizations that drift in and out of our minds, VVAR is still here. Every person who’s been through here or stuck around helped us build a community worth building. We built a community where everyone can gather to be part of a unique experience, where everyone feels like they are doing something or achieving something they never would have alone. As I have said to a number of you when I talk about why I’m here: It’s all to make your week a little better than it would be without us. Whether or not everyone reminds each other of this on a regular basis, in some way, this is why we all keep coming back.
Thank you to everyone who’s supported us and participated in this community we all built together, whether you stop by when the kids are asleep or you plan on coming back after your deployment; whether you’re just waiting for the next update to roll around or you attend every operation because that’s what you do. Y’all should be proud of what we have all achieved here. Congratulations to us for making it this far, and to how much further we’re going to go, because I know I’ll be here to see it.
From RabbiMaxx
I really don’t know what to say. I never lost the faith, and so far you have delivered. In the beginning, I told you my hopes and dream was to make an organization with staying power and you have come through.