FleetCom Update
Not a lot to update from a FleetCom perspective this quarter. We have all been busy within our divisions and make the gears turn. We thank you all for continuing to make VVarMachine the success it is!
We would like to thank all those that continue to donate through Patreon or Discord Server Boosting. Our Patreon supporters: Aarius, AnJoy, Bushman, Cryptid9, Ech0Whiskey, Hubok, Karrth, Neb, Oni, RabbiMaxx, Razzun, Sheamus-V, Sivien21, Skeletor, TwoGreen, and Zahraphim. Your continued support is greatly appreciated and is solely used to offset the costs of the Microsoft Azure servers that host all our communication tools and SCNet website.
Discord Server Boosting gives our Discord server a little extra flair from server banners to a custom join link. Our Discord Server Boosters: Aarius, CaptainWicky, Ech0Whiskey, FallenHylian, Farquharson, Greg_nog, Hubok, JeffonGaming, Lee Adama, NavyRigger, Oni, Razzun, ReapszD, Sheamus-V, Sivien21, Yuki, and Zahraphim. Sorry, we do not have the ability to determine the number of times each person boosts, but we greatly appreciate all of your support!
Division Updates
After a dip in numbers at the tail end of 2020, VVarMachine Security Services is running headstrong into 2021, and picking up momentum as we go. In the past three months since our last Division update, we have welcomed an additional four new members into the unit. All of our new recruits seem to be promising and talented individuals who will certainly be welcome additions to the VVarMachine family. In addition to new recruits, there have been several promotions from existing members. There are too many to list, but the continued dedication and commitment of all VVarMachine Arma members is greatly appreciated across the board. CN Ferris has been hard at work tweaking and improving our mod pack. There have been a handful of mods that have been removed due to either the developers letting them fall behind or that are just obsolete. Also thanks to Ferris, the Arma division has a new spit and polished training map with some really neat arrangements of some of our arsenal items at the headquarters buildings. OS1 Curtis has been steadily creating custom textures for current and new VVAR arsenal assets, including the new H-60 Merchawk fleet that was just added back into the modpack after a big update by the developers. Currently, there is a texture project underway to add custom wrap-around face masks to the VVAR arsenal. Lastly, the VVarMachine mission making crew continue to cook up new and existing operations to challenge us every Friday, and without a doubt, the best is yet to come. Despite a bumpy start to 2021, the VVarMachine Security Services Arma Division is looking forward to the next couple of months as we start to pick up speed and barrel headfirst into 2021 with our heads held high and a smile on our faces.
PlanetSide 2
The past few months have been spent establishing a clear set of goals for the division going forward. We’ve expanded our recruitment efforts in the game by doubling our number of Public Ops. There has been plenty of back-end work going into reviving training and spelling out standard operating procedures, with us hopefully beginning to see the fruits of that labor soon. The end goal is the improvement of our operations alongside an expansion of scope for the division, shifting towards more consistent combined arms operations. In the spirit of these goals, we would like to congratulate Funday on his promotion to NCO, since promotions are a rare thing nowadays for the division. The groundwork we have been laying out so far this year will start to pay off over the next few months, so here’s to the continuation of good times and bigger things!
Star Citizen
The first 3 months of 2021 were a busy quarter for the VVarMachine Navy. In addition to our normal ongoing development of Tactics, SOPs, and training procedures, we maintained a rigorous schedule of 3 operations weekly.
3.12 Highlights
Patch 3.12 (released in January) brought us the first dynamic events in-game. Over the course of a week, players were focused on assisting the UEE and Civilian Defense Force (CDF) with repelling an assault on Stanton by Xenothreat forces. In a multi-part operation, players first needed to gather supplies to bolster UEE defenses, and then counter a significant attack by Xenothreat capital ships at INS Jericho. This was our first true glimpse of what large-scale combat in the ‘verse may look like in the future.
Joint Operations
In February, we went head-to-head against one of our allied organizations, the UEE Pathfinders. The scenario was a fight over Security Post Kareah, with the team maintaining control of the facility for 30 minutes being declared the winner. It was a tough fought battle including plenty of individual achievements and noteworthy performances by our members. While we were not able to pull off the victory, we gained quite a deal of important knowledge about how to improve our tactics and our planning process for future operations. Big thanks to all of our members who participated in this event in one way or another, and also thanks to our Allies for the awesome fights!
3.13 Coming Soon
At the time of writing this update, 3.13 has been released to Evocati. Among other new features, this patch will bring heavy tanks into the game, along with the spacecraft needed to transport them around the ‘verse. We’re extremely excited to start including these into our mission scenarios each week. We expect 3.13 to hit live servers by the end of March!
Screenshot Contest
We have started a Star Citizen screenshot. The first-place prize is 100,000 aUEC and the second place is 40,000 aUEC. You can view our past winners by checking out our Screenshot Contest page. Some changes are coming soon, so keep an eye on #sc-screenshot-contest in Discord. If you want to know more about the contest, please reach out to ReapszD.
2020-12-13 1st Place 2020-12-13 2nd Place 2020-12-27 1st Place 2020-12-27 2nd Place 2021-01-10 1st Place 2021-01-10 2nd Place 2021-01-24 1st Place 2021-01-24 2nd Place 2021-02-07 1st Place 2021-02-07 2nd Place 2021-02-21 1st Place 2021-02-21 2nd Place 2021-03-14 1st Place 2021-03-14 2nd Place
Final Thoughts
One of the great things about VVarMachine is that things just keep going, with little officer involvement. An example of this is Squad night. “Squad is a tactical first-person shooter video game “set in the current modern day environment” developed by the Canadian studio Offworld Industries. It is self-published through Steam and is a spiritual successor to the multi-award-winning Project Reality modification for Battlefield 2.” Members have started this Squad night on their own initiative. We continue to encourage each member to start-up game nights. Just get a few people together and start something up. Feel free to reach out to an Officer if you would like to post an announcement in the Discord announcements. If you would like to join Squad night, check out the #realism-fps in Discord or join them on Monday at 20:30 EDT.
Till next quarter.