We have moved to quarterly updates unless otherwise needed. This is to give each post a little more substance and reduce the administrative requirements of the Flag Officers (Cannon, Ech0Whiskey, Farquharson, Razzun). In addition, each quarterly update will follow the same format as the weekly Officer meeting.
FleetCom Update
There have been a number of updates to both the main website and SCNet. The main website registration is now open! New and existing members of VVarMachine should start registering with the website. While all the functionality hasn’t been deployed, we would like all members to register. This is especially important for Star Citizen Division members as we start working on account integration with SCNet. This integration will allow for easy account creation and password reset functionality. Privacy Policy & Terms of Service pages have also been deployed to explain how we handle the data we are given. In short, it’s your data and you retain control.
SCNet continues to be built out. Right now the focus is on the operation planning functionality.
We would like to thank all those that continue to donate through Patreon or Discord Server Boosting. Our Patreon supporters: Aarius, Ech0Whiskey, Hubok, Karrth, Neb, Oni, RabbiMaxx, Razzun, ReapszD, Straker, and Zahraphim. Your continued support is greatly appreciated and is solely used to offset the costs of the Microsoft Azure servers that host all our communication tools and SCNet website.
Discord Server Boosting gives our Discord server a little extra flair from server banners to a custom join link. Our Discord Server Boosters: Aarius, CaptainWicky, Cryptid9, Ech0Whiskey, Farquharson, Hubok, NavyRigger, Oni, Razzun, ReapszD, Yuki, and Zahraphim. Sorry, we do not have the ability to determine the number of times each person boosts, but we greatly appreciate all of your support!
And a shutout to Cryptid9, Nod3, and Zahraphim and the rest of those helping the Design Team. The unit badges you have been developing and designing and beyond awesome! Below are a couple of examples, there are many more on SCNet Unit Page.
Division Updates
Since the last major update our numbers have continued to hold steady, we’ve added two new mission makers to our cadre and are in the process of putting one of the CSTAFF members through VVarMachine’s standardized Officer Training Course (OTC). Mods & Mission templates continue to evolve with the unit and its needs. The ‘Departments System’ – similar to that of S-shops found in more traditional milsim units – has been developed and employed with some changes to make it even more accessible and transparent coming in the near future. The work doesn’t stop but nine months after reactivation as a division we can say without a doubt that it’s paying off.
PlanetSide 2
The Colossus Update has launched since the last quarterly update. After the first Colossus Op had mixed results, Colossus Ops has become a reoccurring event that creates massive public armor columns centered around our unit that are really enjoyable and effective. Thank you to all the folks who helped us figure out how to run the Colossus effectively after our debut operation or the folks who have put their merit forward to provide complete loadouts for the Colossus.
Our Bastion Ops have become a monthly event that anyone can join, whether you like Planetside 2 or not. VVarMachine remains undefeated with our Bastion, whether it’s due to a lack of resistance, strong coordination, or our ability to react to sudden threats. Synthium Ops have also evolved as time has gone on, with some wild defenses and captures happening over the last three months. Our unit population has also increased enough to allow us to run operations on Tuesdays as well.
To all the folks who participate in our operations, gather resources outside operations, or just show up sometimes to add to their body to the squad, thank you for your support. We’ll likely hear about the next Planetside 2 update sooner or later, so here’s to continuing our undefeated Bastion streak a little while longer and whatever else Rogue Planet Games has on the horizon.
Star Citizen
August brought us the 3.10 game update which is now live! Featuring a whole slew of changes and quality-of-life improvements, some noteworthy mentions include a new flight model, targeting system overhaul, ship HUD/UI overhaul, turret overhaul, player money transfers, and more. All of these changes have brought a renewed focus to the testing of the game and development of our skills as individuals and a collective fighting force. Work also continues behind the scenes on fleet training and certifications.
We’re in the planning stages for a Joint Operation with one of our allied orgs taking place on 26 September – stay tuned for details!
Final Thoughts
Again, we thank each and every one of you for whatever support you provide VVarMachine. Sometimes this is monetary, sometimes it is being there for a new community member, but you are all instrumental in making VVarMachine what it is. Till the next update. Stay safe and game on!