FleetCom Update
Not a lot to update from a FleetCom perspective this quarter. We have all been busy within our divisions and make the gears turn. On a personal note, Ech0Whiskey will be on LOA for a couple of weeks while they move. Please check Discord for dates. Please raise any issues to the appropriate Officer or Razzun.
We would like to thank all those that continue to donate through Patreon or Discord Server Boosting. Our Patreon supporters: Aarius, AnJoy, Bushman, Cryptid9, Ech0Whiskey, Hubok, Karrth, Neb, Oni, RabbiMaxx, Razzun, Sivien21, Straker, TwoGreen, Varian, and Zahraphim. Your continued support is greatly appreciated and is solely used to offset the costs of the Microsoft Azure servers that host all our communication tools and SCNet website.
Discord Server Boosting gives our Discord server a little extra flair from server banners to a custom join link. Our Discord Server Boosters: Aarius, CaptainWicky, Cryptid9, Ech0Whiskey, FallenHylian, Farquharson, Hubok, JeffonGaming, Lee Adama, NavyRigger, Oni, Razzun, ReapszD, Sivien21, Yuki, and Zahraphim. Sorry, we do not have the ability to determine the number of times each person boosts, but we greatly appreciate all of your support!
Division Updates
As we come to the end of the year VVar Security Services is now past VVarhammer 40k November, reflecting back on 2020 as a year and looking ahead to what 2021 holds. Like what is sometimes liken to happen – we’ve had a dip in attendance down from the 20 to 24 we averaged earlier this year to 12 to 14. Not all is lost – with a mod pack that has for the most part been tuned to perfection with few reasons to adjust it. Our number of able mission makers continues to grow month after month and despite some unexpected personnel changes – 2021 is shaping up to be a bright future for a self-sustaining Arma 3 division.
PlanetSide 2
Our Ops have shifted since the last quarterly update as lives are changing and schedules along with them. We have managed to maintain a steady stream of new folks joining us for Ops, whether they be new recruits, members of other divisions, or allies we have made through Public Ops. Colossus Ops have overtaken Bastion Ops as our monthly large-scale operation as we continue to evolve our usual rotation of gameplay styles. We were able to pull a Bastion on December 1st for what became one of the most intense Ops from the last few months.
As of Friday, November 20, Planetside 2 is now 8 years old to the day. 2020 has been a pretty fantastic year for Planetside 2, with the latest update being The Shattered Warpgate, renovating Esamir and adding some interesting new tools and ideas to the game. While our growth has been slow, 2020 has easily been one of the best years of Planetside 2, both for us and for the health of the game. As the year begins to come to a close, we have plans for more recruitment and a revitalization of our more organized operations as we roll through the holidays. We can cast a vision for a better VVarMachine going into the new year, and we are glad y’all are along for the ride.
Star Citizen
IAE 2950
This year’s Intergalactic Aerospace Expo took place on microTech, over the course of two weeks at the end of November. Our fleet was heavily involved with in-game outreach to players during the free-fly event, successfully utilizing this opportunity to recruit several new members. I’m happy to say that fleet has grown both in personnel and in equipment, as folks grabbed some new ships available for the first time, including the long-awaited RSI Perseus Gunboat.
Joint Operations
VVAR took place in a joint operation with 6 other allied organizations of the ISC on 5 December 2020. Filling a server completely with 50 people, each team was tasked with the objective of destroying the enemy’s 890 Jump, while protecting their own. It was an amazing experience being involved in such a large scale effort across many groups.
VVarMachine and its teammates emerged victorious during the 1st engagement, striking quickly and effectively to eliminate the enemy 890 with assistance from allied organizations Jump Accord and Kolonial Marine Service. A second engagement will be upcoming and is highly anticipated.
VVAR’s success in this operation was due to great preparation and research by our members in the days prior. They tested multiple strategies for both offense and defense, along with various weapons, craft, and equipment, until finally, a game plan arose that was blunt, powerful, and even a bit risky.
When the time came, our forces executed flawlessly. We pushed our craft and ourselves to the limit and scored our kill on our first attempted assault. From communications to individual gunnery, everyone brought their A-game.
Big thanks to everyone from across ISC member orgs involved in helping to make this event possible. We learned a great deal about how to make these events even better in 2021 and beyond.
Special shoutout to Aarius for putting together a video of the event! Make sure to checkout his YouTube channel for future videos, and his streams on Twitch!
Wrapping up the Year
2020 has been a great year for our Fleet and for VVarMachine as a whole. We grew, we developed our structure, systems, and SOPs. We focused heavily on individual skill development in multiple areas of gameplay. We trained and developed new leaders across all commands within our Fleet.
As we look into 2021, we’re excited to explore new opportunities for joint activities with our allies, and for all the new features coming in 3.12 and beyond. I’d like to thank all our officers and members for their continued efforts to make this organization something truly special and unique within the Star Citizen universe.
Final Thoughts
Again, we thank each and every one of you for whatever support you provide VVarMachine. Sometimes this is monetary, sometimes it is being there for a new community member, but you are all instrumental in making VVarMachine what it is. Till the next update, have a safe and happy holiday season, and game on!