Goodbye Arma

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It is always hard to say goodbye to something. Especially a game division that has been with us for any period of time. But this month we say goodbye to VVarMachine Security Services – AKA the Arma Division. Farq and his officers and other support staff did a great job at running a division for a game that has been out for over a decade with minimal new content and generating less interest than it did even a year ago.

The Arma division may be gone, but the members are still active. Some are playing with the PlanetSide 2 division, others are spending additional time with Star Citizen, while others just hang around and enjoy the community.

What will happen tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? Who knows. Will we see another Arma division? We hope so, but we encourage everyone to come check out VVarMachine and see what we have to offer.

Join me in thanking Farq, his officers, and other support staff for their years of dedicated work.

Now, your moment of Zen.

ARMA - VVarMachine Security Services
ARMA - VVarMachine Security Services
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